Unlock the depths of Scripture and deepen your faith journey with exclusive teachings from the renowned Bill Cloud! Only for the month of May, indulge in a remarkable 30% discount on selected teachings that delve into the Hebraic Roots of our faith.

Bill Cloud, through years of dedicated ministry, has unpacked the Scriptures with unparalleled clarity, revealing the profound intent behind each passage. His teachings resonate with believers worldwide, enriching their understanding and strengthening their faith.

Cursos en línea impartidos por Bill Cloud

Delve into immersive online courses of Bill’s teachings. With robust outlines and engaging content, these courses empower you to apply biblical wisdom to your daily life. Pursue one of our 5 certificates or work toward a degree at your own pace, all while gaining profound insights into the Word.

Enseñanzas disponibles en formato CD, DVD o USB

Prefer physical copies? Choose from a selection of teachings available in CD or DVD format. Immerse yourself in Bill’s teachings at home, during your commute, or wherever you choose to listen.


Acerca del Ministerio de Bill

Bill Cloud se crió en un hogar cristiano tradicional en Georgia del Sur, pero la celebración de la Fiesta de los Tabernáculos en Israel cambió su perspectiva sobre las raíces hebraicas del cristianismo. Poco después, Bill comenzó a aprender hebreo bajo la tutela de un rabino local y se convirtió en un experto tanto en el texto hebreo como en la herencia judía de nuestra fe.
Bill is a featured speaker in venues throughout the country and has appeared onstage and on a variety of television broadcasts with notable teachers such as Perry Stone, Jonathan Cahn, Joel Richardson and Hal Lindsey. Through Shoreshim Ministries and Jacob’s Tent Fellowship, Bill and his family strive to re-introduce Christians to the Jewish Yeshua and to educate believers in the Hebraic roots of their faith, reconciling western ideals to the Christ of the Bible and God’s love for His chosen people.

Acerca de la oferta:

* Disfrute de 30% de descuento en cualquiera o todas las enseñanzas seleccionadas anteriores de Bill Cloud.
*Las ofertas especiales son no elegible para la plataforma del Grupo ISOW, Templo Milenario,
Pase de acceso total o elige un club de ahorros con descuento.
*Hay una tarifa única de inscripción de $25 para nuevos estudiantes, agregada a la selección/compra de su primer curso.
* Los cursos en línea se pueden utilizar para obtener un certificado o un título.

Oferta válida del 25/04/24 al 31/05/24