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Subscription Price
with Access to 100+ Courses

$99.00 / month

This course is an expository study of the Book of Ephesians by Dr. Mark Williams, Senior Pastor of the North Cleveland Church of God.

Ephesians is essential for understanding what God has accomplished through Jesus’ work on the cross — His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. It examines some of the greatest themes and most important doctrines of the Christian faith.  In this course, Dr. Williams explores:

  • the miracle of salvation Jesus achieved for everyone and anyone who trusts in what He has done,
  • the wonder of what it means for Jesus to reconcile us to Himself and God,
  • the beauty of being united with Christ and to one another through His church,
  • what it means to live out our new identity in Christ,
  • how God’s grace can transform our thinking, prejudices, marriages, families, and work,
  • what God designed marriage to look like and be,
  • how believers relate to one another in marriage, family, and even as employers and employees,
  • the armor and equipment God has given us for the spiritual battles we will inevitably face,
  • the resource of prayer for overcoming every battle we will face,
  • and so much more!

Join Dr. Mark Williams in this important study on one of the most loved and important books of the Bible.