
You May Have Seen an Angel Before, and Not Realize It…

Angels have undergone many “brand changes” over the last two thousand years. They went from a messenger in Judaism, delivering the word of the Lord, to a baby cherub in the Renaissance. There have been angels in art for centuries who looked like teenage boys or...

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What’s Up With Martin Luther and the Reformation?

By Matthew Foley, Content Creator at ISOW I grew up in the Southeastern United States. Where I came from, Catholics were viewed as a strange version of Christianity. On the surface, it was probably because of things like large cathedrals, statues of saints and Mary,...

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God In Three Persons … Blessed Trinity?

By Matthew Foley, ISOW Writer One of the odd things about American Christianity is that several groups don’t often think about or address the Trinity in their preaching or teaching. The unique and beautiful relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is rarely,...

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6 Old Testament Facts You May Not Know…

By Matthew Foley, ISOW Writer The Old Testament is a LARGE book… Massive. For reference, the Oxford English Dictionary contains 600,000 words, while the ESV Old Testament has 581,112 words. In other words, the ESV Old Testament has only about 20,000 fewer words than a...

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When God Leaves Enemies in the Land

God specifically commanded Israel to drive the Canaanites — the inhabitants of the land — out of their midst (Exodus 23:23-33). Unfortunately, Israel struggled for decades to be completely free of their influence and tyranny. “But the Jebusites, the inhabitants of...

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7 Common Myths About the Bible

The Bible has had such an influence on human history and culture that many iconic and well-known Bible passages have appeared countless times in fiction, media, household sayings, slogans, and more. It should be no surprise that there are many myths and misconceptions...

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Can We Live In Revival?

God’s heart for the church is that believers use the fire of revival to cultivate a “long-term burn” that will transform families and communities.

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Take Action! Serve Others!

God has big plans for you. Some people are living their “best life” right now, while others are struggling with spiritual, relational, financial, and health issues. Deeper still, some are struggling to discover a sense of purpose. It’s important to remember that there...

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Will Election Year Shake Us?

A palpable sense of anxiety is growing in the United States. Tensions are higher than ever, as the nation the entire world watches has to make a decision about its future. Among the most passionate voters in America aren’t just far-left social influencers, but also...

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Love and Listening — Part 2

In the previous post we covered the first four of eight principles we've learned when it comes to listening well. Eliminate distractions. Activate your focus. Subordinate your opinion. Regulate your emotions and assumptions. This post will cover the final four. 5....

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Love and Listening

“Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.” —David Augsburger [1] When Janet and I went through the greatest marriage crisis of our life, my counselor would often quote to me the lyrics of a famous Don...

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Why are Young People Leaving the Church?

For centuries, even millennia, the body of Christ grew and expanded with a consistent positive trajectory. Christ’s disciples spread His word to the nations, and the gospel spread like wildfire. Under persecution, Christians had such conviction that they died to...

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The Water and The Wine

Wine is a symbol of the blood of Christ. Water is often a symbol of cleansing. Discover the full scope of redemption and what it means to be “washed in the water of His Word.”

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The Mystery of Enoch

The Bible contains several mysterious statements. One of the most interesting is the Old Testament character of Enoch. Could he be one of the two witnesses who confronts the antichrist in Revelation 11? Read on to discover more.

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Cremation and Christianity

The cremation process: The word cremation comes from the Latin word cremo which means “to burn” - particularly the burning of the dead. History of cremation: In ancient Israel, sepulchers, tombs or vaults were often used for burial. The flesh eventually decomposed....

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Getting A Grip On God’s Word

Ephesians 6:17 refers to the Word of God as the “sword of the Spirit.” Discover six practices that can help us improve our grip on God’s Word in this series of blogs.

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Christians and Anxiety

As we look at the life of Jesus, we find hope in the fact that He understands our anxieties. The fact that God became man in Jesus Christ means that He experienced everything we go through.

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A Life in Transition

Life in transition. That has been my life’s journey for the last few years, and I know I am not alone. I remind myself that this means that God is going to move me from where I am into what he has for me. This is true for all believers. These new challenges and tests...

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Today’s Idols

Idolatry is one of the most prevalent sins within Scripture, and it is often associated with nationwide depravity and degeneracy.

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Confidence in Christ

Insecurities have plagued us since sin entered the world. Your own insecurity may insult your intelligence, deface your beauty, or suggest you are not worthy of love.

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Esther: A Second Glance

Let’s be honest: have you ever read the story of Esther as the Christian edition of the quintessential “Cinderella” story? I know I certainly used to read it through this lens (see my name), and the stereotype did nothing to urge a true deep study of the real woman. In fact, it did quite the opposite.

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To Serve God as a Woman

While there are many inspiring female figures in Scripture and history to look to as examples of righteous walks with God and heroic deeds, only a small fraction of these women tend to get any attention in the Christian church. 

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Going Through the Motions

Even the most devout and faithful men and women of God have faced moments where their heart was not in their worship, where their private prayer life faltered, or where they said things in public they weren’t sure they believed. For many of us, there have been times...

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David’s Enduring Faith

While there are numerous figures in Scripture who suffered but were restored by God, one of the most notable examples is David. David’s story is recorded in great detail in his own words and in the words of others.

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Is Christmas Pagan?

While many Christmas traditions originated in the Christian church, several prominent traditions come from ancient pagan ceremonies. The question is, if we celebrate Christmas with the intent to worship and honor Christ and not to fulfill heathen rituals, does God care? Does He, instead, expect us to follow the Feasts that He instructed the Israelites to follow?

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Giving Thanks: The Desires of Your Heart

Whether you’re looking at a new toy or a better job, wanting new things is part of being human. The pursuit of fulfillment in the world, however, can come between us and the Lord. The Bible tells us to prioritize our faith before anything else: “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 NKJV).

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Job and Naomi: Friendships in the Midst of Tragedy

While joy truly does exist in the body of Christ, many of the people who wear a smile on Sunday are in pleasant circumstances. Some put on a happy face because it’s expected of them, but tragedy and hardship abound even among faithful believers. Now and again, everyone needs a friend to help lift up weary hands to praise God.

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A Famine of God’s Word

During a famine, life-giving rain ceases to fall and the people go hungry. In the famine of the inter-testamental era, God’s Word was not heard in Israel from Malachi’s time until Jesus’ ministry. Why did God’s people stop hearing from heaven during this 400-year pause? It was only after persistent rejection of revelation. His people would not allow His word to transform their hearts. When people reject His advances time and again, they eventually lose the ability to understand what He wants.

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A Call to Answer

In a world filled with sin, slander, and ever more prevalent evil, it’s easy to become dismayed. Those who believe in the rapture may expect the return of the Lord at any time, while others foresee a very near tribulation. In either case, it’s crucial that we prioritize the commandments of the Lord above all else. No matter the season, we must remember Christ’s call to action; that is, the Great Commission

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How to Restore Broken Trust

When someone you know and love breaks your trust, it can be earth shattering. You may feel like years of your life were wasted or that you never understood a person you were deeply involved with. So what do we do when a fellow believer in Christ does this to us? Do we treat that situation different other relationships? What does the Bible have to say about it?

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A Quiet, Peaceable Life

We pray for peace not for our own comfort or because that means the kingdom of God has arrived, but because those times provide us an opportunity to work toward furthering the goals of that kingdom. Peace and prosperity by this life’s standards are not the ideal for which the Lord wants us to strive.

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Prioritizing Relationships

We were created for relationship. Without it, we’re lonely, forlorn, and unfulfilled. However, while companionship of one form or another is essential to our wellbeing, not every relationship is healthy. Whether a friend or family member or partner, it’s important to set boundaries for your relationships and understand your priorities.

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Failure, or Renewed Opportunity?

If you fear the kind of failure that could sink your dreams and endeavors, you’re not alone. Many people are kept up at night worrying about letting down their families, their organizations, or their ministries.

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The Process of Healing

Even though accepting Christ and being born again is a dramatic, life-changing event, anyone who knows Jesus can confirm that they still need to grow in the faith. Our tongues are not always tamed and our thoughts are not all like Christ’s. Growing spiritually is an ongoing process that takes meaningful cooperation with our Lord.

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Sola Scriptura and Interpretation

Sola scriptura is a term you will hear in many serious academic studies of theology. The term, translated literally, means “by scripture alone.” It is one of the defining doctrines that separates the Roman Catholic church and most Protestant denominations.

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Developing a Prayer Life

One of the most important elements of Christian life is devotion to prayer. It’s our most direct and intimate way to seek and commune with the Lord. Prayer is a skill that takes time to develop, requiring a consistent routine and intentionality.

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A Forgotten Commandment

Some Christians argue against observing the Sabbath by pointing to the clash between Christ and the religious leaders of His day, the Pharisees. The Pharisees accused Christ and His followers of breaking the Sabbath by healing the sick (Deuteronomy 5:15) and picking grain to eat as they walked (Luke 6:1-2).

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The Mystery of the Fig Tree

Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender, and puts forth leaves, you know the summer is near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it is near- at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

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Hope Renewed

Maintaining hope for something that has been delayed is incredibly difficult for anyone, and believers are no exception. Whether you have been waiting on a new job, looking for the right spouse, studying to pass a test, or trying to start a family, you’ve probably been praying for your hopes to come true.

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From Egypt to the Promised Land

Exodus is one of the great epics of Scripture, held in reverence by people around the globe. It’s fascinating because of its relevance to our journey with the Lord and the way He uses an exodus to bring each of us into His divine will.

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Discrepancies in the Account of Jesus’ Resurrection

How do we deal with discrepancies in Scripture? There are numerous cases in the Bible where one author seemingly contradicts another in certain details or even in matters of principle, and atheist scholars have long pointed to these instances as proof that the Bible could not be divinely inspired.

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Raising Royalty

It’s often taught in Christian circles that we are a form of spiritual royalty, honored in heaven and waiting to be adorned with crowns in the afterlife. It would be wise to remember, however, that those with power and influence – spiritual or natural – carry a heavier burden of responsibility and temptation.

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Becoming a Part of the Body of Christ

When you accept Christ as your savior and walk with God, you become part of the body of Christ: an individual member of the collective Christian movement and mission (1 Corinthians 12:27); that is, the church.

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The Life of Jesus

With Easter just around the corner, the church is preparing to celebrate Jesus’ sacrificial love and His victory in resurrection. While we look forward to that, now is a great time to reflect on the life Jesus lived on Earth.

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Simon Peter’s Redemption

You’ve read the story: in one of his most defining moments, Simon Peter denied Jesus. Let that fact sink in for a moment. One of the first disciples and a man close to the Son of God denied Him. How could this have happened? More importantly, what effect did this have on Peter?

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The God of All Nations

Many ancient people believed that gods were regional, but God promised Israel that the whole world would one day know His name.

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Beginning Your Walk with God

In developing a relationship with the Lord, we begin to experience a love deeper than anything we have ever encountered. It is in loving God and being loved that we learn to love others, and in doing so we can accomplish Christ’s second great commandment: to love our neighbors as ourselves.

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Are We Okay the Way We Are?

No matter how much Hollywood and postmodernist culture tell young people that their truth is right and that they don’t need to change, they can see the fruit of worldly lifestyles every day.

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Restoring Intimacy with God

Everyone wants to be known and to be loved, and God Himself is no exception. In fact, the creation of humanity reflects this universal desire.

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Treating God as a Friend

While it’s crucial that we never forget our reverence and fear of God’s unearthly glory and His perfect goodness, it’s also important that we pay attention to His most cherished relationships in the Bible and learn from those.

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The Impact of Attitude

Attitude is the lens through which we see the world. It shapes our futures, draws people toward us, and can change the atmosphere wherever we go.

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Who’s Coming to Town?

This time of year, go into any mall in North America, and this is what you might come across: familiar holiday music, tinkling bells, a potpourri of spices that bring back childhood memories, cheerful wintery decorations, and a line of children and parents waiting to...

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How to Start Reading Your Bible

Whether you’re a new believer or you were raised in the church, the Bible can be an intimidating book. So, how do you get a foothold on the richest and most important book? Do you start at the beginning and read straight through?

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Dealing with Grief During the Holidays

If you’ve lost someone tragically or if the relationships in your life have crumbled and grown distant, seeing the whole world celebrate with loved ones can stir up painful memories and emotions. It can be the loneliest time of year for those still dealing with loss, and you may even feel like you have to suffer in silence so you don’t dampen the holidays for others. Whatever the reason, the pain is real and not something to be ashamed of. Mourning is a natural process, and we as believers can be encouraged by Christ’s words: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4).

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Seeking God like Nicodemus

Many believers struggle to meet God at a deeper, more intimate level than they did during their first encounter with salvation. Even after reading the Bible, hearing sermons, and fellowshipping with fellow believers, it’s not unusual for Christians to feel as though...

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Our Gift to You

This month only, enjoy not one, but two awesome coupons AND your choice of one FREE Variety Pack!

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Waiting on Jesus

What will the end look like? Why hasn’t Jesus come back already? Who will the Antichrist be? Perhaps the more important question is, should we be looking for signs of His coming, or should we be looking for revival?

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The Names of God

or the uninitiated, it can seem slightly confusing that God goes by many names in the Bible, especially because the Christian faith emphasizes God’s monotheistic nature. Why does He need so many names? Why not just one?

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Apostles Today

After the Charismatic movement of the 1960s, the term apostle has taken the place of bishop or even pastor in many circles. This term is meant to show respect or to denote a minister’s seniority. Some use the term to emphasize that the Holy Spirit operates today as He...

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Spiritual Burnout

Imagine this scene: Two armies, one righteous and one unrighteous, caught in a great battle. The hours stretch into days, and still no victor emerges. The stakes grow higher by the minute as the slain cover the earth around them. In the end, the righteous are...

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5 Tips for Social Media

What do you do when you want to learn more about an organization in your town? What about when you’re looking for a particular type of business or service? If you’re like most people today, you first ask people you know or you look online. With the ubiquitous nature...

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The Heart of the Matter

The teachings of Jesus are compelling for many reasons, not the least of which is His masterful use of striking imagery. He uses many charged statements, including “if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off” (Mark 9:43) or “if anyone comes to Me and does not hate his...

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What to Talk About in Small Groups

At ISOW, one of our goals is to promote groups of believers to gather and stay in community while studying the Word. We of course deliberately chose our online Bible school model to reach as many people as possible, but this medium does come with some inherent...

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Do You Have to Be Called to Ministry?

Among the many common phrases Christians tend to take for granted when we hear them in church is the concept of being “called to ministry.” Many pastors, youth ministers, worship leaders, and so on will tell you they ended up where they are because they were called...

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The Inspired Word

If you grew up in a Christian household, chances are you have fond memories of Sunday School – seeing illustrations of Bible stories, doing arts and crafts, and singing along about the “B-I-B-L-E” and about how “Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so.”...

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What Do We Do When We Feel Alone?

A believer's life can ultimately be more fulfilling and joyful than a secular lifestyle, as life in Christ is marked with “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). Without Him, a person can only be a branch withering to nothing (John 15:16)....

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Jesus Still Loves Judas.

In John 8:1-11, the Pharisees threw an adulterous woman to the ground at Jesus’ feet, hoping to condemn Him for not carrying out the Law of Moses. Would this rabbi act on Moses’ commandment that those caught in adultery are to be stoned? Jesus, however, defied their...

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Does it Matter Where the Church Meets?

When we introspect on how we should behave as believers, prudent Christians should take note of how the early church did things – not because their ways were perfect or infallible, but because they can teach us a lot about what Jesus directed the apostles to do. Of...

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The Beginning of Wisdom

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” –    Werner Heisenberg Christians often quote Proverbs 9:10, which says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Do...

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Do Christians Ponder the Meaning of Life?

Although we sometimes pretend that our faith absolves us from having to ask the difficult questions in life, Christians are not exempt from feelings of meaninglessness or frustration. From the social butterfly with a home full of family to the single bachelor...

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The Gospel in the Digital Age

Here at ISOW, we are on the cutting-edge of not only educational technology, but also trends in ministry. While many churches around the world found themselves suddenly unable to meet in person in 2020, others were ahead of the curve with their livestream capabilities...

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What Does Community Mean for Christians?

For western Christians, especially Americans, the personal nature of the faith is quite real. We receive Jesus as our personal Savior and our churches emphasize private devotional time where the group breaks up into individuals, each reading their own Bible and...

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Passover and Easter – What’s the Connection?

Passover and Easter share a lot in common. They are often associated with one another, especially in Messianic-Jewish or Hebraic Christian communities. They both focus on victory and deliverance, they both involve eggs and big meals, and the death and resurrection of...

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Tradition and the Bible

Are tradition and Scripture at odds with one another? What does it even mean to ask that? In the modern church, the word “tradition” has taken on a connotation of man-made values and customs, and many believers make the assumption that human tradition is by nature...

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Can God Change His mind?

Christians are taught even as kids in Sunday school that God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (in all places), and omniscient (all knowing). These statements, held as fact by most biblical scholarship and tradition, raise some interesting paradoxes about how...

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Should Christians care about the arts?

At International School of the Word, some of the online courses we offer include courses on writing books and songs. While Christian literature and worship music have never seriously been disputed as having a legitimate purpose, how should believers approach the arts...

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Why study prophecy? Is it relevant to my daily life?

At ISOW, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge prophecy courses. In fact, Bible Prophecy is one of our six divisions as well as one of our certificate categories. You might ask, however, why we put so much of an emphasis on studying prophecy in the first place....

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