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with Access to 100+ Courses

$99.00 / month

This course begins at Christianity’s inception as a small sect of Judaism in Jerusalem and continues with an overview of Christianity’s influence and impact over the last 2,000 years on the entire world. From a small collection of disciples in Jerusalem, against all odds, Christianity flourished and became a multinational, multiethnic, history-altering, worldwide force that has significantly marked and influenced every aspect of life.

In this course, Dr. Michael Reynolds:

  • traces how Jewish history, culture, and faith is intimately tied to the birth and development of Christianity,
  • examines the leadership and impact of the first-century apostles on the development of the early church and Christianity,
  • scans the major events and key figures in Christianity from the first-century church through the late 1900’s,
  • introduces the history and theological development of the early church,
  • points out the various heresies the church has battled and overcome throughout history,
  • demonstrates the historical character of the Christian faith,
  • surveys the insights and ideas of important influential leaders throughout the development of Christianity,
  • guides us in understanding the impact of history on shaping Christian theology, attitudes, and practice,
  • reviews the importance of the Reformation and the “Great Awakenings”,
  • gives us a glimpse of the significance of the church missionary movement,
  • provides a perspective on the influence of Pentecostals in the 21st century,
  • and so much more!

Join Dr. Michael Reynolds, the Director of the Office of Ministerial Development for the Church of God for this important and inspiring study of the last 2,000 years of the history of Christianity.

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