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with Access to 100+ Courses

$99.00 / month

With each new project, the ISOW staff enjoys engaging in robust conversations about which lesson and course is their current favorite. Now, we are bringing you into the conversation by sharing Staff Favorites – Volume 1. Taught by a variety of teachers, these lessons have been hand-selected by our staff as some of ISOW’s greatest teaching moments:

• Prayer Strategy (Karen Wheaton) –Changing God’s Mind
• Starter Guide to Ministry (Perry Stone) –How to Handle Criticism
• Pastoral Epistles (Adam Bower) – 1 Timothy 1-2
• Types and Shadows of Scripture (Bill Cloud) –Joseph and His Brothers
• Book of Esther (Shonna Dalusong) – Promotion and Plotting
• Church Planting 101 (Dr. Michael Reynolds) – Prayer in Church Planting
• Greek 101 (Matthew Foley) – The Background of the Greek Language
• Lord’s Imminent Return (Mark Biltz) – King Solomon as a Type of Antichrist
• Books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Chuck Noel) – 1 Thessalonians 4
• Millennial Temple (Dr. Bryan Cutshall) – The Finale of God

Learn more about the DVD album for this teaching.

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