Book of Revelation: Breaking the Apocalypse Code – Online Group Course

From: $185.00

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$25.00 each


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The Book of Revelation is a vision the Apostle John received on the Island of Patmos in approximately 95 A.D. This apocalyptic book is one of the most important messages concerning the future, yet one of the least read books of the Bible and often the least understood. In this course, Perry Stone will walk you through the Book of Revelation with imagery, graphics, props, charts and fundamental explanations. Perry Stone is one of the foremost authorities on Bible Prophecy in the world and his lifetime of research gives you insight and explanation from this sacred eschatological book. He not only helps you to understand Revelation, but also offers theological soundness and practical perceptions.

Course Lessons
  • Introduction into the Book of Revelation
  • The Heavenly Temple
  • The Vision in the Heavenly Temple
  • The Prophetic Time of the Apocalypse
  • The Heavenly Throne Room
  • The Priesthood of the Temple and The Seven-Sealed Book
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • The Day of Atonement
  • Mysteries Unveiled in the Revelation
  • The Temple and the Two Witnesses
  • Two Witnesses and the Bema Judgment
  • The Bema Judgment and the Dragon
  • The Rise of the Antichrist part 1 – The Olivet Discourse and Theories Concerning the Antichrist
  • The Rise of the Antichrist part 2 – Myths Regarding the Antichrist’s Identity
  • The Rise of the Antichrist part 3 – The Antichrist’s Origin, Ambitions, and Self-Elevated Position of Power
  • The Rise of the Antichrist part 4 – The Image of the Beast
  • The Mysterious Mark of the Beast part 1 – Theories Surrounding the Mark of the Beast
  • The Mysterious Mark of the Beast part 2 – Analyzing Letters, Numbers, and Symbols
  • The Tribulation
  • Mystery Babylon and the Millennial Reign of Christ
  • Thousand Year Reign of Christ the King
  • The Millennial Reign of Christ
  • The Millennial Temple and Satan Loosed
  • The Millennial Temple
  • Satan is Bound and The Great White Throne Judgment
  • The “Great White Throne” and New Heaven and New Earth
  • New Heaven and New Earth part 1 – Understanding the Sacredness of Jerusalem
  • New Heaven and New Earth part 2 – The Overcomer’s Promises Fulfilled