
Old and New Testament Survey – Online Course Bundle

Original price was: $440.00.Current price is: $352.00.

Old and New Testament Survey Courses

Old Testament Survey

The Old Testament Survey overviews the Old Testament in a fourteen-lesson segment. This course will cover the Pentateuch, the historical books, the prophetic account of history and the people of Israel’s obedience and disobedience, the Poetic and Wisdom literature, the Major and Minor Prophets, and how each of these contains wisdom that can be applied to everyday life. The Old Testament Survey details the preceding of God’s fulfillment through Christ in a historical and tangible form.

New Testament Survey

The New Testament is the latter portion of the Bible and represents the separation of God’s people from the Old Testament Covenant and Law due to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of the New Testament is essentially characterized by Jesus: The Gospels provide narratives of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, the Pauline epistles and subsequent books instruct the Christian Church in the way of the New Covenant, and some of the later books, such as Revelation, provide insight and instructions on Christ’s Second Coming. The contemporary Christian Church relies heavily on the New Testament for guidance, doctrine, and exhortation.

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Old and New Testament Survey Courses

The Bible is, of course, at the core of any biblical education. At ISOW, we believe a general understanding of Scripture in its entire context is an important place to start learning deeper spiritual truths. That’s why we require Old Testament and New Testament Survey for every one of our certificates. Even if you have spent years learning about the Bible already, whether in church or in other schools, these courses are sure to contain some new historical, theological, and pedagogical information for any discerning student of the Word. It can never hurt to look to Scripture from another angle!  This Old Testament/New Testament Survey Bundle is a practical way for ISOW students to access both of these courses, whether or not you’re interested in a certificate.